Sachse Amateur Radio Association W5SRA
Upcoming Events & News
Everyone is welcome!
Weekly Information Net: Join us each Monday at 7:00pm. Please note the time and join us, everyone is welcome.
Repeater News - 01/26/2023: We have the W5SRA AllStarLink hub up and working (thank you KK6AXF). Starting today, please use node 528831 to connect using AllStarLink. - W5JWS - Trustee
ARRL Affiliated Club: As an ARRL Affiliated Club, the club receives a commission for every new ARRL membership and renewal we submit to ARRL Headquarters and get to retain a portion of the dues for each regular membership submitted.
Clubs retain $15 for each new membership OR lapsed membership (of two years or more). A NEW MEMBER is defined as any individual who has never been a member of ARRL or any individual who has not retained a membership for two or more calendar years prior to the application submission.
Clubs retain $5 for each renewal. A RENEWING MEMBER can renew at any time, even before their current membership term expires.
You can download the ARRL Affiliated Club Membership form here.
Once downloaded, complete the form and get it to the club Treasurer along with a check made out to 'Sachse Amateur Radio Association' and we will submit your ARRL membership application/renewal to ARRL Headquarters. (NOTE: ARRL Headquarters is working on getting an on-line version working so that you can go directly to them and the ARRL will send the club a check for any new or renewed memberships.)
QSO Breakfast: Join us each Saturday any time between 7:30 and 9am for the weekly QSO Breakfast at the Ballard Street Cafe in Wylie. All are welcome.
Try out the Antenna Quiz created by K3EUI (Barry Feierman) you can find the quiz here.
Net Scripts have been posted to the Club Files section of the Files page for the weekly information net and the simplex net.
Don't forget to check the Other HAM Events calendar for other HAM related events and nets in the area.
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